What is Better: Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass?

What is Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass?

Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass

Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass are two of the most common types of bariatric surgery performed in the United States. While both surgeries aim to promote weight loss by restricting the amount of food a person can eat, they work in different ways.

The gastric sleeve, also known as a sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing a large portion of the stomach and leaving behind a small, banana-shaped sleeve. This sleeve is then connected to the intestines, allowing food to pass through the digestive system at a slower rate and reducing the amount of food a person can eat at one time.

On the other hand, the gastric bypass involves creating a small pouch from the top of the stomach and attaching it directly to the small intestine. This reroutes food away from the larger part of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine, which results in faster digestion and reduced calorie absorption.

So, which one is better? The answer depends on individual factors like your weight, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Both surgeries have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one person may not work for another.

For example, the gastric sleeve may be a better option for people who have a lower BMI and do not suffer from severe acid reflux. This procedure is also less invasive and has a shorter recovery time compared to the gastric bypass.

On the other hand, the gastric bypass may be more effective for people who have a higher BMI and a history of type 2 diabetes. This surgery often results in more significant and long-lasting weight loss, and it can also lead to improved blood sugar control and other health benefits.

Ultimately, the decision between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass should be made in consultation with a qualified bariatric surgeon who can evaluate your unique needs and goals.

In any case, it’s important to remember that bariatric surgery is not a quick fix and should be seen as a tool to help with long-term weight loss. Lifestyle changes like healthy eating habits and regular exercise are still essential for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing weight-related complications.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller, banana-shaped stomach. This reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold, which helps people lose weight. Gastric sleeve surgery is usually performed laparoscopically, meaning small incisions are made and a tiny camera is used to guide the surgeon. This minimizes scarring and leads to a faster recovery time.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes approximately 80% of the stomach, leaving the remaining portion in the shape of a sleeve. The procedure typically takes 1-2 hours and requires a hospital stay of 1-2 days. Patients can typically return to work and normal activities within 2-3 weeks.

Gastric sleeve surgery is suitable for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35-39.9 with related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. It is also sometimes recommended for people who are not good candidates for other bariatric surgeries such as gastric bypass.

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, involves dividing the stomach into a small upper portion and a larger lower portion. The surgeon then connects the small intestine directly to the new, smaller stomach pouch, bypassing the larger remainder of the stomach and a portion of the small intestine. This limits the amount of food the body can absorb, leading to weight loss.

Gastric bypass surgery can be performed laparoscopically or via open surgery. The laparoscopic approach is preferred due to its minimally invasive nature. The procedure typically takes 2-4 hours and requires a hospital stay of 2-3 days. Patients can typically return to work and normal activities within 4-6 weeks.

Gastric bypass surgery is suitable for people with a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35-39.9 with related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or obstructive sleep apnea. It is also sometimes recommended for people who have not had success with other weight loss methods.

Which is Better: Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the patient’s individual needs and goals, as well as their medical history and overall health.

Some studies have shown that gastric bypass surgery may lead to greater weight loss in the first year compared to gastric sleeve surgery. However, other studies have found no significant difference in weight loss between the two procedures.

Both procedures have similar risks and potential complications, including bleeding, infection, and blood clots. However, gastric bypass surgery carries a slightly higher risk of nutritional deficiencies and dumping syndrome, a condition where food moves too quickly through the stomach and small intestine, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Ultimately, the decision between gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery should be made after consulting with a qualified bariatric surgeon and carefully considering the risks and benefits of each procedure.

Manga gástrica vs. bypass gástrico: ¿cuál es la diferencia?

Manga gástrica vs. bypass gástrico

Decidir entre una manga gástrica y un bypass gástrico puede ser una decisión difícil para aquellos que buscan someterse a una cirugía de pérdida de peso. Ambos procedimientos tienen sus propias ventajas y desventajas, y es importante entender la diferencia entre ellos para tomar una decisión informada. A continuación, describimos en detalle los dos procedimientos en términos de cómo se realizan, cómo funcionan y sus efectos a largo plazo.


Procedimiento Bypass gástrico

La manga gástrica es una cirugía restrictiva que se realiza laparoscópicamente, lo que significa que se hacen pequeñas incisiones en el abdomen para acceder al estómago. Durante una manga gástrica, aproximadamente el 80% del estómago se extirpa, dejando un estómago en forma de tubo que es aproximadamente del tamaño de un plátano. El proceso de eliminación del estómago tiene como objetivo reducir la cantidad de alimentos que el paciente puede consumir, ya que el tamaño del estómago se ha reducido significativamente.

Por otro lado, el bypass gástrico también se realiza laparoscópicamente, pero es un procedimiento combinado que utiliza tanto la restricción como la malabsorción. Durante un bypass gástrico, el estómago se divide en dos secciones y el extremo inferior se conecta directamente al intestino delgado, formando una “bolsa” de estómago. Debido a que el tamaño del estómago es limitado, el paciente se siente lleno más rápido. Además, debido a que la comida no pasa por el resto del estómago y la primera parte del intestino delgado, no se absorbe completamente, lo que lleva a una reducción en la cantidad de nutrientes y calorías que se absorben en el cuerpo.


Funcionamiento Bypass gástrico

En términos de cómo funcionan, los dos procedimientos son efectivos para reducir la cantidad de alimentos que se pueden consumir. Sin embargo, mientras que la manga gástrica solo restringe la cantidad de comida, el bypass gástrico también reduce la cantidad de calorías y nutrientes que el cuerpo absorbe. Esto puede resultar en una pérdida de peso más rápida y efectiva a largo plazo.

La manga gástrica también se considera menos invasiva que el bypass gástrico, ya que no requiere ninguna reconstrucción del sistema digestivo. Mientras tanto, el bypass gástrico conlleva el riesgo adicional de complicaciones debido a la combinación de restricción y malabsorción.

Efectos a largo plazo

Efectos a largo plazo Bypass gástrico

Ambos procedimientos tienen el potencial de ayudar a los pacientes a perder peso y mejorar su salud a largo plazo. Sin embargo, los efectos a largo plazo de la cirugía bariátrica varían de paciente a paciente. Los estudios han encontrado que después de un bypass gástrico, los pacientes tienen una pérdida de peso significativamente mayor en comparación con una manga gástrica. Sin embargo, el bypass gástrico también tiene una tasa de complicaciones más alta.

Además, después de un bypass gástrico, los pacientes deben tomar suplementos de vitaminas y minerales para compensar la pérdida de nutrientes. La manga gástrica también puede requerir que se tomen suplementos vitamínicos y minerales, pero la necesidad es menor que después de un bypass gástrico.


Conclusión Bypass gástrico

Entonces, ¿cuál es la mejor opción? En última instancia, la elección depende de cada paciente individual. Los pacientes deben discutir sus opciones de cirugía de pérdida de peso con su médico y considerar su propia historia médica, objetivos de pérdida de peso y estilo de vida. La evaluación cuidadosa de los pros y los contras de cada procedimiento es muy importante.

Es importante recordar que tanto la manga gástrica como el bypass gástrico son procedimientos quirúrgicos serios y pueden tener efectos secundarios a corto y largo plazo. En última instancia, los pacientes deben asegurarse de seguir una dieta y un estilo de vida saludables después del procedimiento para lograr el éxito a largo plazo.

Beneficios de la manga gástrica

Manga Gástrica

La manga gástrica se ha convertido en una opción popular de cirugía bariátrica para la pérdida de peso a largo plazo. A diferencia del bypass gástrico, la manga gástrica es menos invasiva y tiene un menor riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo, lo que la convierte en una opción atractiva para aquellos que buscan perder peso de forma segura y efectiva.

1. Pérdida de peso significativa

Pérdida de peso

La manga gástrica es altamente efectiva en la pérdida de peso a largo plazo. Al reducir el tamaño del estómago, se limita la cantidad de alimentos que se pueden consumir en cada comida, lo que conduce a una reducción significativa en la ingesta de calorías. Esto a su vez promueve una pérdida de peso gradual y sostenible a lo largo del tiempo. De hecho, se ha demostrado que la manga gástrica puede conducir a una pérdida de peso de hasta el 60% del exceso de peso en tan solo 12 meses después de la cirugía.

2. Mejora de la salud en general

Salud en general

La pérdida de peso significativa que se produce después de la manga gástrica también tiene un efecto positivo en la salud en general. Los pacientes informan de mejoras significativas en una variedad de problemas de salud relacionados con la obesidad, incluyendo la diabetes tipo 2, la presión arterial alta y los problemas respiratorios. Además, los pacientes también informan de una mejora en su calidad de vida en general, lo que les permite disfrutar de una mayor movilidad y participar en actividades que antes no podían realizar debido a su peso.

3. Menor riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo

Bypass gástrico

Aunque tanto la manga gástrica como el bypass gástrico son considerados opciones seguras para la cirugía bariátrica, se ha demostrado que la manga gástrica tiene un menor riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo. Esto se debe en parte a la naturaleza menos invasiva del procedimiento, que limita los riesgos asociados con la cirugía abdominal tradicional. Además, la manga gástrica es irreversible, lo que significa que los pacientes no tienen que preocuparse por los problemas a largo plazo asociados con el bypass gástrico, que puede ser revertido en algunos casos.

4. Resultados más rápidos que los métodos tradicionales de pérdida de peso

Pérdida de peso rápida

La manga gástrica también ofrece resultados más rápidos que los métodos tradicionales de pérdida de peso. Aunque los pacientes todavía necesitan hacer cambios significativos en su estilo de vida, como seguir una dieta saludable y hacer ejercicio regularmente, la manga gástrica les da una ventaja inicial en su viaje de pérdida de peso. Esto es particularmente importante para aquellos que tienen problemas de salud relacionados con su peso y necesitan perder peso rápidamente para reducir su riesgo de complicaciones y mejorar su calidad de vida.

En resumen, la manga gástrica es una opción segura, efectiva y menos invasiva para aquellos que buscan perder peso a largo plazo. Con beneficios que van desde la pérdida de peso significativa hasta la mejora de la salud en general y una reducción del riesgo de complicaciones a largo plazo, la manga gástrica es una opción atractiva para aquellos que buscan una solución sostenible a su problema de peso.

Beneficios del bypass gástrico

Beneficios del bypass gástrico

When it comes to weight loss surgery, the two most commonly performed procedures are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Though both surgeries have been proven to be effective in achieving weight loss, there are marked differences between the two. Here are some of the specific benefits of gastric bypass surgery:

1. Higher weight loss success rates

Gastric bypass surgery has consistently shown higher success rates when it comes to weight loss as compared to gastric sleeve surgery. Studies have shown that patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery tend to lose more weight and maintain their weight loss long-term. Additionally, gastric bypass surgery can help with weight-related issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea.

2. Improved metabolic health

Gastric bypass surgery can help improve metabolism, leading to better overall health. This is because gastric bypass surgery reroutes the digestive system, resulting in reduced levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for increasing appetite. This shift in hunger hormones can help patients with satiety and reduce the number of calories they take in daily.

3. Resolution of other health problems

Beyond weight loss, gastric bypass surgery can help resolve health problems related to obesity like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. Some studies have even indicated that gastric bypass surgery can lead to lower rates of cancer, though more research is needed in this area.

4. Faster weight loss

Compared to gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery typically results in faster weight loss. Patients can expect to lose an average of two to three pounds per week in the first six to twelve months following gastric bypass surgery. This rapid weight loss and the associated improvements in overall health can help with a patient’s self-esteem and confidence.

5. Long-term success

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of gastric bypass surgery is that it has been associated with long-term success in weight loss and health improvement. Studies have shown that gastric bypass patients tend to maintain their weight loss for longer periods, and the surgery may also help with long-term weight control. The procedure thus offers patients a way to enjoy improved overall health for years to come.

In conclusion, while both gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery can help with weight loss, gastric bypass surgery may be more effective in achieving weight loss and addressing the associated health problems. Patients who are considering weight loss surgery should consult with a qualified bariatric surgeon to determine the best course of treatment based on their specific health needs and goals.

Factores a considerar al elegir entre la manga gástrica y el bypass gástrico

gastric sleeve vs bypass

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has been proven to be a long-term solution to obesity and its related diseases. Two of the most common types of weight loss surgeries are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. However, it can be a difficult decision to choose between these two procedures. This article will help you understand the factors that need to be considered before making a decision.

1. Initial weight and BMI

initial weight and BMI

The initial weight and BMI (body mass index) of the patient are important factors to consider when deciding between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Gastric bypass is recommended for patients who have a BMI greater than 40, while gastric sleeve is suitable for patients who have a BMI between 35 and 40.

The advantage of gastric bypass is that it is more effective at reducing weight in patients with a higher BMI. It also has better long-term weight loss outcomes compared to gastric sleeve surgery. However, gastric sleeve is less invasive and has a lower risk of complications, making it a safer option for patients with a lower BMI.

2. Age


The age of the patient is another crucial factor to consider when choosing between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Younger patients are more likely to benefit from gastric sleeve surgery because they have a longer life expectancy and are more likely to maintain weight loss for a longer period of time.

In contrast, gastric bypass may be more suitable for older patients because it has a faster and more significant weight loss compared to gastric sleeve surgery. This is important for older patients who may have more severe health complications related to obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

3. Comorbidities


The presence of comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and heart disease should also be considered when choosing between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Gastric bypass is more effective at resolving comorbidities because it leads to a significant reduction in weight and improves metabolism.

However, gastric sleeve surgery can also improve or eliminate comorbidities, particularly those related to type 2 diabetes. Patients with comorbidities should consult with their doctor to determine which procedure would be more effective in treating their condition.

4. Recovery time

recovery time

Gastric sleeve surgery is less invasive than gastric bypass and has a shorter recovery time. Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery typically experience less pain and discomfort than those who undergo gastric bypass surgery.

However, patients who choose gastric bypass surgery need to stay in the hospital for a longer period, usually between two to four days, while patients who choose gastric sleeve surgery can usually be discharged within a day or two.

5. Dietary changes

dietary changes

Both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries require dietary changes after the procedure. Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery may need to follow a liquid-only diet for one to two weeks after surgery, while patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery may need to follow a liquid-only diet for two to three weeks.

Gastric bypass patients also need to avoid high-fat, high-sugar, and high-fiber foods, which can cause complications such as dumping syndrome. Gastric sleeve patients need to avoid overeating to prevent stretching of the stomach, which can cause weight gain. Patients who are unable to follow postoperative dietary instructions may not achieve adequate weight loss.

6. Cost


The cost of gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries can vary depending on multiple factors such as location, hospital, and surgeon fees. In general, gastric sleeve surgery costs less than gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery is less complicated and requires less operating time than gastric bypass surgery, which makes it less expensive. However, it is important to note that cost should not be the only factor considered when choosing between these two procedures. Patients should prioritize their health and choose the procedure that best fits their needs and lifestyle.


Choosing between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery can be a challenging decision. It is essential to consider multiple factors such as initial weight, age, comorbidities, recovery time, dietary changes, and cost before choosing a procedure. Patients should discuss their options with their healthcare provider to determine which procedure would best fit their needs and help them achieve their weight loss goals.



After analyzing the pros and cons of both gastric sleeve and bypass surgeries, it’s clear that neither one can be definitively labeled as the “better” option. Each surgery has its own unique set of benefits and potential risks depending on the patient’s individual factors, such as their weight, medical history, and lifestyle habits.

It’s extremely important for anyone considering bariatric surgery to undergo a thorough evaluation by a qualified bariatric surgeon to understand which surgery would be the most effective and safe for their particular case.

The gastric sleeve procedure involves the removal of a significant portion of the stomach, thereby reducing its overall size. The remaining portion of the stomach is reshaped into a narrow tube or “sleeve” that connects to the small intestine. This surgery can be advantageous for patients who wish to restore hormone balance, reduce the risk of developing conditions related to obesity such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and improve quality of life.

In contrast, the gastric bypass surgery involves the creation of a small stomach pouch at the top of the stomach. The surgeon then connects this pouch directly to the small intestine, bypassing the majority of the rest of the stomach and the duodenum. Gastric bypass can be an effective option for individuals who need to lose a significant amount of weight quickly and are willing to commit to making significant lifestyle changes.

Both surgeries have their pros and cons, as well as success rates. It’s important for patients to discuss these options in detail with their doctor, understand the differences between each procedure, and what lifestyle changes will be necessary for success postoperatively.

Additionally, many other factors such as your age, overall health status, weight loss goals, and your likelihood of being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle should be taken into consideration when determining which surgery is the right choice for you.

Ultimately, the decision between gastric sleeve and bypass surgery should be based on individual patient-specific factors rather than a universal standard. And, bariatric surgery should always be viewed as a tool, not a magic solution, to help those suffering from obesity and other related health problems to achieve weight loss and improve their overall health over the long term.
