Beyblade Metal Fusion Nintendo 3 Ds. User rating: File size Console: Nintendo DS (Download Emulator). Regardless of that, this is still a bad game.
Participa en el foro de este juego Si eres un fuera de serie o todo un crack con "Beyblade: Metal Fusion" de Nintendo DS, o simplemente quieres intercambiar tus trucos, guías o dudas sobre este juego, no lo dudes, pásate por. Beyblade: Metal Fusion is an action game developed and published by Hudson Entertainment for Nintendo DS and Wii. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game.
The franchise revolves around Kid Heroes who are into … Beyblade Metal Fusion (Nintendo DS).
Beyblade: Metal Fusion is an action game developed and published by Hudson Entertainment for Nintendo DS and Wii.
BeyBlade: Metal Fusion is a Wii and DS entry of the BeyBlade spinning battle top series, released only in the United States. Find great deals on eBay for beyblades nintendo ds games. Nintendo ds NDS dsl NDSL dsi game cartridge beyblade metal fusion cyber pegasus.